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Botanical name - Common name: English, Thai, Japanese, or Chinese, etc. A short descriptive paragraph about each species or variety. The six numbers and letter codes below the description are, from left to right:

1)The sunlight tolerance for best performance - full sun, 1/2 day sun or shade.
2)Full bamboo height in feet.
3)Full diameter in inches.
4)Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit where leaf kill may begin. Rhizomes may tolerate 10-15 degrees colder.
5)Recommended USDA Zones.
6)Running bamboo are designated with an R and clumping type spreaders with a C.

These beautiful low growing bamboo species come in a variety of leaf colors and growth habits. All the types listed below are hardy to Zone 7 and in some cases even Zone 6. Use dwarf bamboo for ground covers or facers in foreground plantings. All are excellent in pots. Many make ideal bonsai specimens and houseplants.

The bar below lists our nursery price. Pink price means we are out. Go to SHIPPING for mail order information and cost.







Pleioblastus argenteostriatus - OKINA - DAKE





Distinct green-white variegated leaves in spring that fade to more of a green leaf by summer. Mow in
mid-winter to encourage a spring show of new leaves.
1/2   3'   1/4"   0 F   7-10   R

Pleioblastus distichus - DWARF FERN LEAF





A very small ground cover bamboo. Leaves are tiny and arranged in a fern leaf pattern. Excellent for
1/2    2'    1/4"    -5 F   6-10     R
Pleioblastus distichus 'Mini'






An even shorter version of the above at 12" tall. Brilliant green springtime growth. Needs fall mowing
to looks it's best.
Sun-1/2    1'    1/8"    -5    6-10    R
Pleioblastus humilis





Compact growth and attractive leaf patterns set this dwarf from the others. Usually grows smaller and
more compact than listed.
1/2   4'   1/8"   0 F   7-10   R

Pleioblastus pygmaeus - DWARF BAMBOO





A vigorous green leaved ground cover bamboo. Looks best when old growth is clipped off in mid-winter.
1/2   2'   1/8"   0 F   7-10   R

Pleioblastus shibuyanus 'Tsuboi' - UEDA-ZASA, FUIRI SHIBUYA






A nice mounding dwarf bamboo. The leaves are variegated with an interesting blending of the white
into the green. (Flowering in 2010-2011)
1/2   2'   1/4"   0 F   7-10   R

Pleioblastus viridi-striatus - KAMURO-ZASA





Brilliant golden-yellow leaves in the spring turning to green-yellow by mid-summer. Green stripes in
the leaves. Mowing in mid-winter ensures luxuriant spring color.
1/2   3'   1/4"   -5 F   7-10   R
Pleioblastus viridi-striatus chrysophyllus





All brilliant golden-yellow leaves. Mowing or clipping in winter enhances spring brilliance.
1/2   3'   1/4"   -5 F   7-10   R
Pseudosasa owatarii





A very dwarf Japanese species that only grows a few inches high. Excellent bonsai for its small size
leaves. Can be a slow grower.
1/2   12"   1/8"   0 F   7-10   R
Sasa nagimontana





This has large attractive leaves much like the taller sasa palmata. A picture perfect smaller bamboo.
1/2   2'   1/3"   0 F   7-10   R
Sasa veitchii minor





A much shorter form of the shrub sized Sasa veitchii. Leaves are smaller too. Develops the same
pseudo-variegation of the leaf edge in the fall.
1/2    2'    1/4"    0 F    7-10    R
Sasaella hidaensis muraii





A green leaved dwarf size bamboo from Japan. Its smaller leaves grow in nice patterns. Overall
appearance is of a neatly kept mounding form.
1/2   3'   1/4"   0 F   7-10   R
Shibatea chinensis - AI ZHU





Short attractive leaves grow on a slightly zig-zag stem. Leaves are somewhat wrinkled making a
different appearance than other bamboo.
1/2   3'   1/8"   -10 F   6-10 R

pleioblastus akebono
pleioblastus argenteostriatus
pleioblastus distichus
pleioblastus distichus mini
pleioblastus humilis
pleioblastus pygmaeus
pleioblastus shibuyanus 'Tsuboi'
pleioblastus viridi-striatus
pleioblastus viridi-striatus chrysophyllus
Pseudosasa owatarii
Sasa nagimontana
Sasa veitchii minor
Sasaella hidaensis muraii
shibatea chinensis