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Botanical name - Common name: English, Thai, Japanese, or Chinese, etc. A short descriptive paragraph about each species or variety. The six numbers and letter codes below the description are, from left to right:

1)The sunlight tolerance for best performance - full sun, 1/2 day sun or shade.
2)Full bamboo height in feet.
3)Full diameter in inches.
4)Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit where leaf kill may begin. Rhizomes may tolerate 10-15 degrees colder.
5)Recommended USDA Zones.
6)Running bamboo are designated with an R and clumping type spreaders with a C.

This group of bamboo reach heights that are suitable for screening purposes, hedges, small space specimens, foundation planting, and large pots.

The bar below lists our nursery price. Pink price means we are out. Go to SHIPPING for mail order information and cost.







Ampelocalamus scandens





A clamboring bamboo from China and Nepal with long thin culms and branches. Culms are ribbed with
large sheath blades.
1) 1/2 sun   2) 25'   3) 1/2"   4) 23 F   5) 9-10  6) C (follows same order  in all descriptions below...)
Arundinaria gigantea - RIVER CANE





 (seedlings from KY. USA native!)
Seedlings grown from the native North American bamboo known as CANE BRAKE. These may get
larger than noted. Use for native plantings in the Southeast to Indiana and Ohio.
1) sun   2) 20'   3) 1"   4) -10 F   5) 6-10  6) R
(follows same order  in all descriptions below...)
Bambusa chungii





The blue culmed sub-tropical bamboo of choice. Gardens are enhanced by the magnetic attraction of
this spectacular beauty. Surprisingly hardy.
sun   30'   2"   21 F   9-10   C

Bambusa dissimulator






A medium height sub-tropical clumper with fine leaves. When larger it will have striped culms on the
basal internodes. One of thehardiest subtropicals
sun   35'   2 1/2"   15 F   9-10   C

Bambusa dolichomerithalla 'Silverstripe'





A beautiful bamboo from Taiwan. This cultivar has waxy green culms striped with silver
sun   35'   2"   25 F   9-10   C
Bambusa malingensis





A medium height sub-tropical clumper with attractive form. Appears to tolerate coastal conditions well.
sun   35'   2 1/2"   20 F   9-10   C

Bambusa multiplex 'Alphonse Karr'





One of the hardiest sub-tropicals to cold. It has yellow culms striped with green. The new shoots and
culms are tinged with pink.
sun   20'   1 1/2"   12 F   8-10   C

Bambusa multiplex 'Midori' 'Green Alphonse Karr'




Reverse striping: green culms striped with yellow. Green color is enhanced in a partial shade location.
sun   20'   1 1/2"   12 F   8-10   C

Bambusa multiplex 'Fernleaf'




Miniature leaves make the variety of bamboo attractive. Good hedge.
sun   20'   1/2"   12 F   8-10   C

Bambusa multiplex 'Stripestem Fernleaf '






Culms are reddish and yellowish striped with green, otherwise the same as fernleaf.
sun   12'   1/2"   12 F   8-10   C

Bambusa multiplex 'Golden Goddess'





A smaller growing variety with big green leaves. The culms are yellowish green.
sun   10'   1/2"   12 F   8-10   C
Bambusa multiplex 'Silverstripe'






Most of the leaves are striped in white. Many of the green culms have white stripes.
sun   35'   1 1/2"   12 F   8-10   C

Bambusa vulgaris 'Wamin'






A highly ornamental but much shorter form of the giant size species. Often grown in Chinese gardens
for its swollen nodes which when mature look like a stack of balls.
sun  16'   2 1/2"   30 F   10   C

Bambusa vulgaris 'Wamin Striata'






Same as above but with light green swollen lower internodes striped with dark green. Also highly
sun  16'   2 1/2"   30 F   10   C
Bashania fargesia - FA SHI LIAO ZHU





A long leaved, pretty and useful temperate bamboo from China. Used for paper making, construction
and framework.
sun   20'   2"   0 F   7-10   R
Cephalostachym pergracile





An attractive garden tropical loved for leafless lower erect culms supporting a  nice rack of large green
leaves.  Outstanding also for the bronzy-orangish culm sheaths over green cums. Used in SE Asia for
splitting and weaving mats to cooking rice for a unique flavor.
sun   30'   2"   32 F   10-11   C
Chimonobambusa quadrangularis





The bamboo known for a naturally squared culm shape. The other quality is the tiered arrangement of
the leafy branches giving a neat appearance as if groomed.
1/2   25'   1 1/2"   15 F   8-10   R
Chimonobambusa quadrangularis Suow





Showy faded canary yellow culms with occasional green stripes. Nice contrast. Fast grower.
1/2   25'   1 1/2"   15 F   8-10   R
Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda





-syn. Ch. tumidinoda (Qiongzhuea) - WALKING STICK BAMBOO
A pretty utility bamboo from China. Long used for making unique walking canes with the exaggerated
nodes. These are really big nodes!
1/2   20'   1 1/4"   10 F    8-10    R

Guadua paniculata






A small Guadua that looks very similar to Otatea from a distance. It is found in many tropical locations
in the Americas. It is thorny. Its long necked rhizomes allow it to spread.
sun   30'   2.5"   30 F   10   R
Guadua longifolia






The foliage is long and narrow like Otatea. This bamboo inhabits river banks and is capable of stabilizing
soil. The rhizomes are very long necked allowing it to pioneer soft river banks. Long stretches of river
bank are covered with this species in Mexico.
sun   30'   2"   30 F   10   R

Hibanobambusa tranquilans 'Shiroshima'





The large 10" long leaves are beautifully striped with creamy variegation. The coming of cool weather
tips the leaves with pink.
1/2   16'   1 1/4"   0 F   7-10   R

Otatea acuminata






  - MEXICAN WEEPING BAMBOO, These are recent seedlings
An interesting bamboo from Mexico with a full bodied habit and long narrow drooping leaves. It has a
weeping form and light green color.
sun   20'   1 1/2"   20 F   9-10   C
Otatea ximenae





A different form with darker culms, more persistant culms sheath and a stiffer look to the leaves.
(formerly Otatea sp. 'Michoacan') 2021 seedlings
sun   15'    1"   28 F   10   C
Otatea fimbriata






This Otatea has longer and wider leaves. Up to foot long and 3/4" wide. The leaves hang downward but
looks much more foliated than the typical form.
sun   14'    1"   24 F   9-10   C
Otatea glauca 'Mayan Silver'






A new species of Otatea named in 2004 although it was collected years ago by Gerald Bol and Dr. Lynn
Clark in Chiapas, Mexico. It has hollow culms unlike the other Otateas. Culms are covered in a waxy
 powder giving it a silver look. Leaves are weeping and narrow. Mature size and hardiness is not truely
sun   20'    1 1/2"   28 F   10   C
Phyllostachys arcana - ARCANE BAMBOO





A medium sized bamboo known for its edible shoots and good weaving quality of the culms.
sun   27'   1 1/4"   0 F   7-10   R
Phyllostachys atrovaginata






syn. Phyllostachys congesta- INCENSE BAMBOO
A nice looking and useful bamboo. Shoots are less acrid than most. Rubbing the culms releases a
pleasing smell.
sun   35'   2 3/4"   -15 F   6-10   R
Phyllostachys aurea





Probably America's best known bamboo. Widely used to build furniture. (see bookstore) Interesting
convoluted internodes at the base of most culms. Drought tolerant.
sun   27'   1 3/4"   0 F   7-10   R

Phyllostachys aurea 'Flavescens inversa





The same as GOLDEN BAMBOO but the culms are green with a yellow groove. The leaves are green.
sun   27'   1 3/4"   0 F   7-10   R
Phyllostachys aurea 'Holochrysa'





The culms are almost orange. Severely lacking in any green color. The green is reserved for the leaves.
sun   27'   1 3/4"   0 F   7-10   R
Phyllostachys aurea 'Koi'





The same as GOLDEN BAMBOO but the culms turn yellow with a green sulcis. The leaves are green.
sun   27'   1 3/4"   0 F   7-10   R

Phyllostachys aureosulcata





The culms are green with a yellow sulcis (groove). New shoots and culm sheaths can be purple.
sun   26'   1 3/4"   -10 F   6-10   R
Phyllostachys aureosulcata aureocaulis




All yellow culm variety. Sun makes the culms almost glow. Otherwise the same.
sun   26'   1 3/4"   -10 F   6-10   R
Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Harbin'






A cultivar with yellow culms and multiple thin vertical green stripes.
sun   26'   1 3/4"   -10 F   6-10   R
Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Harbin-Inversa'






A cultivar with yellow culms and a few thin vertical green stripes.
sun   26'   1 3/4"   -10 F   6-10   R
Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Spectabilis'





The culm is yellow with a green groove. The spectacular part is the rosy-red tinting on the young culms
and sun exposed old culms. The new shoots emerge with purple sheaths that show yellow internodes as
the shoots elongate! Many leaves have a few variegated stripes. Quite showy.
sun   26'   1 3/4"   -10 F   6-10   R
Phyllostachys bambusoides 'Allgold'






Yellow culms with the occasional thin green stripe adorn this variety of P. bambusoides.
sun   35'   2"   0 F   7-10   R

Phyllostachys bambusoides 'Castillon Inversa'





Reversed color pattern on the culms. Green culms with a crisp yellow stripe in the groove.
sun   35'   2"   0 F   7-10   R
Phyllostachys bambusoides 'Golden Dwarf'





- a Tradewinds cultivar
The seeds were collected at Hakone Gardens and germinated in 1990. This cultivar is shrublike and
retains a golden color to leaves and canes.
sun   12'   1"   5 F   7-10   R
Phyllostachys bambusoides 'Job's Spot'





- a Tradewinds cultivar
The seeds were collected at Hakone Gardens and germinated in 1990. This cultivar is reaching good
size. Named after the interesting culm sheath coloration of burgandy spots placed centrally 2/3 up
from the base of the culm sheath.
sun   50'   4"   5 F   7-10   R

Phyllostachys bambusoides 'Marliac'





An unusual variety for its deeply grooved culm. Not a tall grower like the green form but very useful.
sun   25   1.5"  5 F   7-10 
Phyllostachys bambusoides 'Rib Leaf'





- a Tradewinds cultivar
The seeds were collected at Hakone Gardens and germinated in 1990. Unusaul leaves for a
Phyllostachys! The leaves are short, wide and ribbed along the parallel venation. Appears to be capable
of full size.
sun   50'   4"   5 F   7-10   R
Phyllostachys bissetii





A vigorous grower with greener leaves than Golden Bamboo. One of the first to send up shoots in the
sun   23'   1"   -10 F   6-10   R
Phyllostachys decora






A particularly good choice for areas of extreme heat and cold. The new shoots are attractive with
cream, purple and green outlines. The wood is of good quality for crafting.
sun   24'   1 1/4"   -5 F   6-10   R
Phyllostachys flexuosa






As the name implies, some of the culms grow in a zig-zag pattern. The wood is heavy and hard. A fast
grower. There are also green seedlings and a variegated form I have named 'Kimmei'.
sun   31'   2 3/4"   -10 F   6-10   R
Phyllostachys flexuosa 'kimmei'





- a Tradewinds cultivar
A new Tradewinds cultivar raised from a 1992 seedling. New growth tip with white gradually greening
to a variegated leaf. Yellow culms with a green groove. Appears to be as hardy and sizeable as the
sun   31'   2 3/4"   -10 F   6-10   R
Phyllostachys heteroclada 'Solidstem'





 - formerly named Phy. purpurata 'Solidstem'
Important for it's ability to grow under wetter conditions than most bamboo. This cultivar is nice for its
solid culm below.
sun   18'   1"   0 F   7-10   R
Phyllostachys humilis





A small running bamboo; maybe the smallest of the Phyllostachys. Looks nice green and lush. Good
 potted plant potential. A recent introduction.
sun   20'   1"   0 F   7-10   R
Phyllostachys meyeri





Looks similar to GOLDEN BAMBOO without the shortened internodes. The wood is of the best quality.
sun   33'   2"   0 F   7-10   R
Phyllostachys nidularia






The nodes are very swollen and protruding. The fresh bamboo shoots are reported to be especially free
of acrid taste. Flowered out 2016.
sun   33'   1 1/2"   0 F   7-10   R
Phyllostachys nigra





A graceful bamboo that performs best with a little shade. Leaves are a lighter green in more sun and a
darker, lusher green in some shade. A good choice under deciduous trees. The culms start out green
but turn to a solid black after a few years. One of our most popular sellers.
1/2   30'   2"   0 F   7-10   R
Phyllostachys nuda





Reportedly the hardiest of the running medium size bamboos. The new shoots are a smooth green. The
new shoots are fine for eating. The culms mature into a very green and attractive stand. Excellent
for crafting.
sun   34'   1 3/4"   -20 F   5-10   R
Phyllostachys nuda 'Localis'






Same as above in size and hardiness. The internodes near the base are blotched, striped or spotted dark
purple. Excellent wood.
sun   34'   1 3/4"   -20 F   5-10   R
Phyllostachys platyglossa





Prized for its shoots in China. Fast grower. Long internodes.
sun   26'   1 1/2"   0 F   7-10   R
Phyllostachys violascens






Culms are dark violet when new then become striated with purple streaks later.
sun   26'   2"   0 F   7-10   R
Phyllostachys viridiglaucescens





A hardy and pretty bamboo with straight culms. The culms or of good quality for crafting or
sun   35'   2"   -10 F   6-10   R
Pleioblastus amarus






A large growing Pleiblastus used for umbrellas and poles in China. Shoots bitter.
1/2   16'   3/4"   0 F   7-10   R
Pleioblastus gramineus





Native of mainland China and Ryukyu Islands. Grown for ornamental screens and hedges. It has a nice
upright form for a bushy bamboo. Thick leaves tolerate coastal conditions.
sun   12'   1/2"   5 F   7-10   R
Pleioblastus hindsii





A tall and ornamental Pleioblastus from Southern China. The leaves are erect and thick. Tolerates wind
well.  Introduced into many Asian botanic gardens for ornamental purposes.
1/2-sun     15'     1"   0 F    7-10    R
Pleioblastus linearis





The long thick leaves on short branches produce a leafy shrub. Hard to see the culms. Good for a hedge
in windy areas. Native of Ryukyu Islands where it is used for fences and fish traps.
sun   14'   1"   5 F   7-10   R

Pseudosasa cantori






Used for making furniture. Even joints with black wax above and below. Not much known about it. A
new introduction.
1/2   16'   1 1/4"   0 F   7-10   R
Pseudosasa japonica





As a teenager in Japan, I practiced Japanese archery with our landlord. The bow was made from
Madake and the arrows from this bamboo. The upright culms and large drooping leaves make a tropical
looking form. Good under trees, in pots and seacoast areas. Seedlings and older divisions in stock.
sun-1/2   18'   3/4"   0 F   7-10   R
Pseudosasa japonica 'Tsutsumiana'





sun-1/2   18'   3/4"   0 F   7-10   R
Pseudosasa longiligula





Thick, tall culms with even joints make this a fine bamboo for making furniture in China. New
sun-1/2   26'   1 3/4"   0 F   7-10   R

Pseudosasa usawai






A nice screen bamboo from Taiwan. FLOWERING 2015-16
sun-1/2   16'   3/4"   10 F   8-10   R 
Pseudosasa viridula





Long and wide green leaves. A very attractive new introduction. Culms have 3 branches. Great for
ornamental screens!
1/2   18'   3/4"   0 F   7-10   R
Semiarundinaria fastuosa






The erect stature and tiered branches give this bamboo a handsome appearance. The straight culms
turn reddish brown with age. Poor wood quality for crafters. The edible shoots are uniquely flavored.
Good windbreak and sea coast bamboo.
sun   30'   1 1/2"   -5 F   6-10   R
Semiarundinaria fastuosa viridis 






Culms remain green. Looks the same as s. fastuosa.
sun   35'   1 1/2"   -5 F   6-10   R
Semiarundinaria makinoi





A smaller version of S. fastuosa but with unique characteristics like leaves which are rounded and not
flat. Culms turn rosy-burgandy with age.
sun   16'   3/4"   0 F   7-10   R
Semiarundinaria okuboi





 (Semiarundinaria villosa) - BIRODONANARIHIRA
A fast spreading bamboo that has a shrubby mounding look from a distance. It has leaves that are very
wide for their length. Good for use as a hedge and erosion control.
sun   25'   1 1/2"   0 F   7-10   R
Semiarundinaria yashadake kimmei






  Culms are yellow with green grooves. Tends to get seasonal pink areas on the culm. Thin cream stripes
on a few leaves.
sun   25'   1 1/2"   0 F   7-10   R
Sinobambusa intermedia






Similar in appearance to the Semiarundinarias but the culm sheaths are quick to drop off. The
internodes are up to 2 feet long. A waxy coating on the culm gives it a ghostly white internode that
feels rough to the touch.
sun   16'   1"   10 F   8-10   R
Sinobambusa tootsik Albostriata






A variegated leaf form of the above bamboo. One of the few taller bamboos with such strongly
variegated leaves. A slow grower.
sun   30'   1.5"   10 F   8-10
Yushania anceps 'Pitt White'





syn. Arundinaria anceps 'Pitt White'
A fine Himalayan bamboo that excels in a pot or outdoors. The narrow leaves hang down on arching
branches creating the 'weeping' look. 'Pitt White' is a form from England.
1/2   12'   3/4"   0 F   7-10   R

Yushania brevipaniculata





It is from Sichuan, China growing in the forest understory. One of the main food species for the Giant
Panda. Reportedly capable of growing in various soil types and a wide range of climates.
1/2   10'   1/2"   0 F   7-10   R
Yushania exilis





A smaller leaved and graceful forest understory bamboo from Sichuan, China. Grows in elevations
from 3800-4300 feet.
1/2   10'   3/4"   10 F   8-10   R
Yushania maling





 - Arundinaria maling
A common bamboo in the Himalayas growing in the forest understory. It has much broader and larger
leaves creating a bolder look.
1/2   12'   3/4"   0 F   7-10

Ampelocalamus scandens
Arund. gigantea
Bambusa chungii
Bambusa dolichomerithalla silverstripe
Bambusa malingensis
Bambusa multiplex Alphonse Karr
Bambusa multiplex 'Midori'
Bambusa multiplex Fernleaf
Bambusa multiplex 'Tiny Leaf Stripe'
Bambusa vulgaris Wamin
Bambusa vulgaris wamin-striata
Bashashania fargesii
Cephalostachyum pergracile
Chimonobambusa quadrangularis

Chimonobambusa quadrangularis Suow

Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda

Dendrocalamus minor amoenus
Guadua paniculata
Guadua longifolia
Hibanobambusa tranquilans shiroshima

Otatea acuminata aztecorum
Otatea fimbriata

Otatea glauca Mayan Silver
Phyllostachys arcana
Phyllostachys atroviolacia or congesta
Phyllostachys aurea
Phyllostachys aurea flavescens-inversa
Phyllostachys aurea holochrysa
Phyllostachys aurea koi
Phyllostachys aureosulcata
Phyllostachys aureosulcata aureocaulis
Phyllostachys aureosulcata Harbin
Phyllostachys aureosulcata Spectabilis
Phyllostachys bambusoides Allgold
Phyllostachys bambusoides castillon-inversa
Phyllostachys bambambusoides marliac

Phyllostachys bambusoides RibLeaf

Phyllostachys bissetii

Phyllostachys decora

Phyllostachys flexuosa

Phyllostachys flexuosa kimmei

Phyllostachys heteroclada 'Solidstem'

Phyllostachys humilis

Phyllostachys nidularia

Phyllostachys nigra
Phyllostachys nuda
Phyllostachys nuda localis
Phyllostachys platyglossa
Phyllostachys violascens
Pleioblastus amarus
Pleioblastus gramineus
Pleioblastus hindsii
Pleioblastus linearis

Pseudosasa japonica
Pseudosasa usawai
Pseudosasa viridula
Semiarundinaria fastuosa
Semiarundinaria fastuosa viridis
Semiarundinaria makinoi
Semiarundinaria okuboi
Semiarundinaria yashadake kimmei
Sino. intermedia
Sinobambusa tootsik albostriata
Yushania anceps pitt hwite

Yushania maling